Validation Tables

Validation tables (Navigator | Payroll | Payroll Framework | Validation Tables) are used to store and maintain items which are used throughout the system, such as BSB codes, countries, address types, leave reasons and so on. The tables are at the database level, so any changes or additions are available in each company in the database. See the individual links below for information on where each category is used.

The validation table window has a list of categories on the left. Select the required category to see available records on the right.

Often when picking an item from a list, you will see an <<Add New>> link. This allows you to add items to validation tables as you work, without needing to exit the task you are performing.

Organisational Group This option is used to identify the organisational group to which a company belongs. It is used in the Company Details tab.
Workflow Approvers Workflow Approvers are incumbents who are responsible for approving leave, etc. This table contains as list of the incumbents and information about their position and company and is used within the HRpack and within HR3pay to validate leave approvals.
Job Codes Job codes are used in costing allocations and identify a particular job. The ability to Show job codes in costing allocations is switched on in the Company Preferences tab.
Job Types Job types are used to identify common groupings of jobs.
Unit of Measure Unit of measure is used in the pay items file to determine the units of a payment, i.e. hours, percentage, each etc. Unit of measure can also be created by choosing the <<Add New>> option on the unit of measure drop down list (when editing a pay item).
Suspend Reasons These values are used to identify the reasons an employee has been suspended. They can be selected in the employee file, on the characteristics tab . Examples might include maternity leave, leave without pay, etc.
Classifications Classifications are used to group employees for reporting purposes, and can be set in the employee file on the characteristics tab.
Termination Reason This data is used to record the reason for an employee's termination. It is used in the termination section of the payrun wizard and in the termination tab of the employee file.
Pay Periods Pay periods classify the frequency of pay (i.e. weekly, monthly). This is used in the default pay settings tab of the employee and in the payrun master tab .
Leave Reasons When an employee takes leave, the leave reason can be recorded for reporting purposes. It is used on the leave tab of the payrun and in the leave request tab of the employee file. It can also be viewed in the leave history section of the employee file, although it cannot be edited here.
Note Types When adding notes to an employee file, this list can be used to identify the type of note being entered.
Workers Compensation Class This option is used to identify the reasons a worker might be on workers compensation pay, and is used on the employment conditions tab of the employee file.

When entering an address for an employee, company or contact, this list of countries will be available from the drop down list. These are pre-loaded with the system and you will not generally need to make new entries. You may add new States to any one of these countries, and then add public holidays if necessary. Note that although the Australian public holidays are displayed here, if these need to be downloaded/added/edited, this must be done via Public Holidays in Company data.

Double clicking a Country name from the list will add it as a Country in your Validation Tables. Note that the Code given (within the Details tab for that country) e.g. au for Australia, is used in the employee address entries for ATO SuperStream messages.

Contact Types When entering a contact for an employee, this list is available to set the contact type. Examples include first aid, medical, fire warden, etc.
Contact Relationships When a contact is entered for an employee, this table is used to specify the contact's relationship to the employee. Examples include next of kin, spouse, partner etc.
Address Types When entering an address, this list is available to record the type of address being entered. It is used in the name and address tab of the employee file and for contacts.
Phone Types When entering a phone number, this list is used to record the type of phone number being entered. Phone numbers can be stored for employees, ATO contact details , or contacts.
Titles When entering an employee or a contact, this list can be used to select their title.
Employment Status Employment status is used on the characteristics tab of the employee file, and is usually used to record if the employee is full time, part time or other.
Rate change reasons When making changes to rates within templates you will be prompted for a reason for the change. The predefined change reasons are listed here. Most of these can be edited if required, or you may add new reasons here.
Communication Groups These are not currently in use.
Communication Types
Ranges This provides you with a standard set of age ranges, which are used in HR statistics reports. If you need to amend any of the groups to suit your organisation better, you may click on any of the ages and type in a new number. The Description field is adjusted automatically. In addition, by clicking in the last line and pressing your Tab key, you can add a new line and therefore a new age range. Once changes are complete, click Apply.

There are further validation tables available within the optional HRpack.